ICT4D · Research

Would you like to read interviews with people working in ICT4D, digital development, tech4good (etc etc…)

Recently my friend Izzy (Isabelle Amazon-Brown) and I were discussing the fact that we both at a point of deciding what we want to do next in our ICT4D careers… And there is not a whole lot out there to help fuel the decision.

Something we both thought would be helpful would be to hear from other people in the broad ‘using technology for social good’ sectors about what they do, how they got there, where they see their careers heading and, most interestingly, what they think the sector needs to give it a bit of a shake-up.

But if we’re going to chat to a range of people about this, why not publish it so everyone can get the benefit.

  • What do people think about the idea – would you find these kinds of interview interesting and useful?
  • Any particular angles you’d want to read about?
  • Are there specific people you’d like to hear from or would suggest we speak to?
  • Would you like to be interviewed?

Ideas on a postcard (well… in the comments threads below would be even better!) 🙂


4 thoughts on “Would you like to read interviews with people working in ICT4D, digital development, tech4good (etc etc…)

  1. some clarifications.. u want answer to first question.. (what they do, how they got there, where they see their careers heading and, most interestingly, what they think the sector needs to give it a bit of a shake-up.) or second question (
    What do people think…
    Would you find these kinds of interview interesting and useful?
    Any particular angles you’d want to read about?
    Would you like to be interviewed?
    Are there specific people you’d like to hear from or would suggest we speak to?


    1. Well the first question was whether people would find these kinds of interview interesting reading… Whether there are particular people that you’d like to hear from?

      The types of question I imagine asking DURING the interviews were the stuff around their careers, shaking things up etc…



  2. a bit confused do u want response to (how they got there, where they see their careers heading and, most interestingly, what they think the sector needs to give it a bit of a shake-up.) or this
    (What do people think…
    Would you find these kinds of interview interesting and useful?
    Any particular angles you’d want to read about?
    Would you like to be interviewed?
    Are there specific people you’d like to hear from or would suggest we speak to?)


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